Flat Rock Amenities

Exclusive Membership

Private Accommodations

Outdoor Recreation

Fine Dining
The Flat Rock Club is located on 150 acres of fee title land on the Henry’s Fork of the Snake just downstream from Macks Inn, Idaho. The Club was founded by many of the same Salt Lakers who formed the Alta Club in the late 1890’s. It was incorporated on June 7th 1906 by Daniel Jackling, Frank Hagenbarth, L.B. McCornick, J.E. Bamberger, C.E. Pearsall and others. The by-laws allow for 50 Equity Members and 15 Director Members (with no voting rights). We currently have members from eight states with the majority living in California and Utah. The Club is open from Memorial Day weekend until September 30. The Annual Meeting is generally held the third Wednesday of June.
Historically the Club was for men members only. Changes in the by-laws now allow women members, children over 12 any time of the year and children under 12 years of age are allowed from July 15 to August 15.
Flat Rock Origins
As early as the 1890s, a group of Salt Lake, Los Angeles, and Denver fly fishermen started meeting at a ranch house in Idaho. which they eventually bought. This house was owned by a man named Henry Stamp.
This was at the Flat Rock ford on the North Fork of the Snake River, about 25 miles west of Yellowstone Park and only a few miles from the Continental Divide. It was about 40 miles from the nearest railway station at that time, and the only way to get there was to go to Spencer, Idaho. on the Oregon Short Line and take a buckboard wagon from there up to the ranch.
Accommodations | Information
Island Park Village began as a stage rest stop in the late 1800s. Natural clearings in heavily forested areas are known in the West as parks. There were several along Henry’s Fork between Ashton and Henry’s Lake Flat. Each had its own name and distinction. Island Park got its name from the fact that it was bounded by water on nearly all sides. On the north was Buffalo River; to the east. Split Creek and Little Warm River; on the south, Tom’s Creek: and the Henry’s Fork is to the west enclosing a clearing nearly four square miles in size.
The Flat Rock Club is located on 150 acres of fee title land on the Henry’s Fork of the Snake just downstream from Macks Inn, Idaho. The Club was founded by many of the same Salt Lakers who formed the Alta Club in the late 1890s. It was incorporated on June 7th 1906 by Daniel Jackling, Frank Hagenbarth, L.B. McCornick, J.E. Bamberger, C.E. Pearsall and others.
The by-laws allow for 50 Equity Members and 15 Director Members (with no voting rights). We currently have members from eight states with the majority living in California and Utah. The Club is open from Memorial Day weekend until September 30. The Annual Meeting is generally held the third Wednesday of June.